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2. Listen and read the poem. What is the subject and the main idea the author wants to bring to us? FADED TOOLS
3. Read Bill's letter and name the famous authors he mentions in it. Try to name books written by them.
In my opinion it is impossible to become an educated person without books. Besides, books play an important role in upbringing* our feelings, views and tastes, give us a lot ofusefu\ information. I enjoy the books written by English and American writers very much. My favourite books are adventure stories by Mark Twain and Jack London, detective stories by Agatha Christie and Arthur Conan Doyle, short stories by O.Henry. I am sure that everyone can get a great pleasure reading these books. Everyone in my family likes to read- Have you ever heard the proverb, "A room without books is a body without a soul"/ Isn't it truthful and wise/ That's why we have many books in our home library. Best wishes, Bill
1ink fades ['ink ,feidz] чорнило вицвітає (блідне) 3to wish [wij] бажати 'fade deep inside me — глибоко ховаються в мені 'upbringing ['лр.Ьппіп] — виховання


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