Lessons 7-8
1. Speak about your library experience. Work in groups. Pay attention to the following points.
1. Describe the library which you go to. How rich in books is it?
2. In the library books of the same kind are kept together, in one section. Why?
3. What rules does the library have? How long can you keep a book from the library?
4. Are there tapes, records and videos for you to borrow?
5. Speak about what books you like to read. What can make you take an interest in a story (a novel, etc)? What do you like about the books?
6. Do you always know which books you want to look for when you go to the library?
7. Do you make a list of books you would like to borrow before you go to the library? Why?
2. Speak about a book as an edition.
a) Take any book you like. Examine its cover, title page and its table of contents. Say what information they give about:
• the author of the book
• the publisher
• the year it was published
• the topics the book covers
b) Give your opinion if this information is valuable to the reac
3. Comment on the following.
4. Ask and answer in pairs.
• What helps you to make a choice — the pictures in the book, its cover, the table of contents, the advice of the librarian or one of your classmates? Do you find it easy to make a choice when you see a lot of new books in the library? What does a reader's card tell about the reader and his reading interests? Why is it useful to consult a library catalogue? What kinds of books are useful in your study?